首页 > 无歌不和 > Dont tell me there’s nothing u want to hold in this world

Dont tell me there’s nothing u want to hold in this world

how many times you asked yourself before

what’s the point

wasting time

but how many times you stand up for yourself

make a point

you have a reason

you know it’s not fair

your life belongs to nobody else

so don’t tell me there is nobody you want to hold

you know you messed up but nobody can live alone

so don’t tell me there is nothing left in this world

just open your eyes you got everything in the world

how many times you want to give up yourself

once again

there’s no point

but how many times you kept on moving on

once again

you have a reason

you know it’s not fair

your life belongs to nobody else

so don’t tell me there is nobody you want to hold

you know you messed up but nobody can live alone

so don’t tell me there is nothing left in this world

just open your eyes you got everything in the world

does it make you wonder? is it karma or is it fate ?

is it you or is it me

does it really make you falter

does it make you want to believe?

it is true you’re like nobody else

so don’t tell me there is nobody you want to hold

you know you messed up but nobody can live alone

so don’t tell me there is nothing left in this world

just open your eyes you got everything in the world

歌词虽然写得很口水化,不过配上调调,还是很有些感怀年少、心灵鸡汤式(虽然我本人极度厌烦所谓的心灵鸡汤)的感觉的。谁曾年少时,伤感时,挫败时,孤独时,失落时,不曾感怀过:there is nothing I want to hold in the world.

Dont tell me there's nothing u want to hold in this world - 第1张  | 寻
