首页 > 无愁不赋 > thank u for your gift

thank u for your gift

yes,i regard it as a big gift,

thank u for your remembering of my words.

that’s a surprising present

so that to make me cann’t help bust into tears.

though there’s no promise between the two

u do it as a promise

i appreciated for that


when i went out of the train

see u standing there,

smiling & quiet & the same as any time

u are the only one who to pick up me on the railway platform

how moved i am

and how i apprecaited it for all


i am listening a song

let’s start from here

let’s start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don′t need a finish line
let’s take this chance

don’t think too deep of

all those promises we couldn′t seem to keep
i don’t care where we go
let’s start from here

i like this song hearing it at the first time

cause i can read the mood & the story behind it competely

i cann’t read the tears shedding from your eyes

u smiled

it does not so important

it does not matter


i appreciate for u just as you do it for me

let’s just start from here





